Ah, there’s nothing quite like a nice, tall glass of nostalgia. Come to get get your fix? Here are some images and gifs that are sure to spark, for better or worse, plenty of memories from the 80s and 90s!
1. Good ole AOL dial-up!
source: giphy
2. In a time long before iPhones and Angry Birds, there was The Oregon Trail.
source: imgur
3. I bet you can still recite the theme song…
source: imgur
4. We had Daniel San!
Every boy definitely tried the crane kick more than once.
source: movieposter.com
5. And we had Angelica…
source: imgur
6. Kevin McCallister, the Home Alone series, and the Talkboy!
source: valentinoliver.com
7. That cat with the headphones though.
8. After that, who remembers Kazaa and Morpheus? Then came Limewire.
What’d they have in common?
source: reddit
9. Of course, the road to all that was paved by the Sony Discman!
Who remembers bass boost?!
source: hifiengine
10. And who can forget this process…
(Check out that poster on the wall too!)
source: TechCrunch
11. Long before Bing and Google, we had the library’s card catalog and these:
source: surfvvax imgur post
12. Sad, but true.
source: surfvvax imgur post
13. Did this post made you feel like this?
source: cvcdn.com
Yep, me too. Share it with everyone who you think will feel the same way!