10 Text Messages That Mean She’s Just Not Interested In You

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9. She tells you that you’re funny when you express to her your feelings for her.

She clearly doesn’t feel the same way about you as you feel about her. This is a classic form of deflecting. She’s pretending that you’re joking in order to avoid the even more awkward position of telling you outright that she only sees you as a friend.

10. She directly tells you that you’re in the friend zone.

What more is there to say here? She just told you exactly where you stand. There’s no debating it. Don’t act desperate. Just accept it and move on.

(via 22Words)

The next time you receive a text message from a woman you’re interested in, read the signs. She may be using any version of these messages, and if she does then accept you won’t be more than friends. Avoid humiliation and look for another woman who is attracted to you and can reciprocate your feelings.

