13 Odd Facts That You Probably Do Not Already Know

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With so much information at our fingertips these days via the internet, it’s interesting to see what kinds of things slip through the cracks and go unnoticed. With one click, we can get information on pretty much anything we could possibly want or need, yet there are many common things that most people have no knowledge of whatsoever.

With that said, here’s a compilation of 13 facts about mostly common things that many of us didn’t know and have never thought about. There may be one or two of these that you were aware of, but we bet you didn’t know most of them. See if we’re right or not!

1. How cranberries are sorted

2. E.L.F. lipsticks come with lip balms.

This has been contradicted by E.L.F. actually, who says it’s just a shade sampler.

3. Your oven has warming drawer.

4. How to maximize your shopping cart

5. The answers to everything

6. A staple remover works great for separating a key ring.

7. So many options

8. The brain is easily tricked.

9. The miracle eraser, Rub A535

10. Most of us are doing it wrong

11. Slang is…wait, what?

This is may or may not actually be true.

12. Other useless knowledge

13. How long did it take YOU?


(via BuzzFeed)

I just asked a Starbucks manager if they really have 87,000 possible drink orders? She replied “At least.”
