It alarmed the world when news broke out about the terror attack in Nice, France. A truck driver ran over people celebrating Bastille Day, killing 84 and wounding more than 200 innocent people. During that time, a mother lost her baby boy amidst the chaos. She did everything in her power to find him including posting her son’s photos on Facebook. Read on to find out what happened.
The terror attack in Nice, France horrified people around the world.
An unnamed mother was separated form her 8-month-old son during the process.
Her friends decided to help her by posting pictures of her lost son on Facebook.
Yohlaine Ramasitera, a friend of the mother, posted her pic together with the baby on her account and asked her friends to share the picture.
Tiava Banner, another friend, also posted the same thing on her Facebook account.
Soon more and more people shared the photo and within 24 hours, it reached 22,000 shares.
One of those who shared was Rebecca Boulanger who used her large social network to spread the word about the baby.
It turned out that a woman picked up the baby during the incident, and after she couldn’t find his parents, she took him home with her. She found out that the lost baby was trending on Facebook and immediately made the necessary efforts to reunite mother and son.
( via 22Words )
Thanks to social media, the mother was able to recover her missing son very quickly. This only shows that despite the negative feedback from many people, social media can be extremely useful.