When You Find Out Why She Turned Down An Arranged Marriage, It Will Give You The Feels

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Arranged marriages are still very common in India. Often, parents of both parties negotiate the arrangement. Karishma Walia, an analyst in the New Delhi area, was set to marry a man who Walia’s parents had determined would be the perfect husband for her. Walia said “My mom thought he’s an excellent match because he’s good-looking and well-off.”

There was one problem, however. Walia discovered it during a conversation on Whatsapp with her husband-to-be, and it was such a big problem for her that she vetoed the arranged marriage. Read on to find out what that problem was…

This is Karishma Walia hanging out with her dog, Lucy.

Turns out, the guy who Walia was arranged to be married to doesn’t like dogs.

He wanted her to give the dog up! Walia wasn’t having any part of that.

She made it clear that she wasn’t abandoning Lucy for any reason, then she posted their conversation on Facebook.

Walia says the guy wanted her to give up her career to make raising a family her priority. “I gave up when he commented about my dog”, she says.

The guy persisted, apparently thinking he’d change Walia’s mind.

He made her angry, in her words, “with the way he was forcing his decisions on me.”

Goodbye forever, dog-hating future husband.

(via BoredPanda)

Good for Walia for standing up for herself and her pup, Lucy. That’s true love for one’s pet!
