When you’re a senior in high school, and it’s time to take senior photos, you want to make sure your photos are ones you’ll be proud of. After all, you don’t want a photo that you’ll look back on later and be embarrassed over.
When James Charles of Bethlehem, New York saw that his senior photos didn’t come out the way he wanted, he had new photos taken. As an aspiring makeup artist, he wanted his makeup to really stand out in his photos. Here’s what happened when he retook them.
17-year-old Charles has been practicing his makeup skills for a year, but the lighting wasn’t right when he took his senior photos. His makeup didn’t stand out, so he decided to retake his photos.
jcharlesbeauty / Via Twitter: @jcharlesbeauty
He emailed the company that took the photos and asked if he could have his retaken. They agreed.
He brought along his own lighting this time along with his good friend Delaney.
jcharlesbeauty / Via Twitter: @jcharlesbeauty
He even had this “mugshot” taken. The result was highlight-popping fantastic!
He posted his photos to Instagram and Twitter and it soon went viral.
jcharlesbeauty / Via Twitter: @jcharlesbeauty
It got over 55,000 likes and more than 21,000 retweets.
One of his self-confessed idols, “The Queen of Slay” Zendaya even loved his shots.
Zendaya / Via Twitter: @Zendaya
He was overjoyed and says he screamed when he found out.
jcharlesbeauty / Via Twitter: @jcharlesbeauty
Charles is now a makeup legend in the twittersphere.
leavemehoenly / Via Twitter: @leavemehoenly
(via BuzzFeed)
This aspiring makeup artist sure knows how to show off his skills. Now that he’s gone viral, he’s probably going to get a lot of requests to do others’ makeup, but he seems to be up for the task.