Donating to charities, volunteering in hospitals, and joining campaigns are just some of the ways people can help raise funds for and awareness about cancer. “Dry July” is one of the campaigns launched this month. It encourages people to be booze-free for the the whole month in order to raise funds for patients suffering from cancer.
One guy decided to be extra creative and do something a bit different. Mark Udovitch is a radiation therapist from Sydney, Australia who was inspired two years ago by a cancer patient, who’d explained to him how she felt about losing her hair, to grow his hair out for the purpose of donating it to cancer patients. He’s now about to shave all of his hair off to donate it. Before the big day, however, he’s done some humorous photo shoots to help with raising funds for cancer patients, as well as raising awareness. And these aren’t just any photos. You see, he has imitated and recreated several celebrity photos, and they’re pretty amusing. See for yourself!
Here he is as Kim Kardashian complete with props.
He totally nailed this Kendall Jenner photo. In fact, we think he did it better than she did.
He could be Johnny Depp’s double as Captain Sparrow.
He also copied this photo of Kit Harington as Jon Snow.
He makes a nice Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones. If she were bearded, that is.
Wait, which one is the real Nicolas Cage in Con Air?
Check out his impersonation of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.
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