Reheating These Eight Foods In The Microwave Can Be VERY Dangerous

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The way we prepare and cook our food can contribute greatly to its flavor, nutritional value, and shelf life. While some become easily spoiled, obviously, many foods will last for days as long as we put them in the refrigerator.

It’s a very common practice to reheat leftover food in the microwave to prepare it for a meal. But did you know that some common foods become toxic or change composition all together when reheated in the microwave? Here are some of them.

1. Never reheat eggs in the microwave; instead, add them to your salad or sandwich.

This includes things like deviled eggs and potato salad. If you do microwave them, the FDA says they must reach an internal temperature of 165° F to kill potentially very dangerous bacteria.

2. Protein in chicken changes in composition once it’s reheated in the microwave. This can cause stomachache.


It’s also the reason why microwave chicken often smells and/or tastes odd and has a rubbery texture.

3. Celery contains nitrates which turn into nitrites when reheated in the microwave. Nitrites are known to be carcinogenic.

 4. Mushrooms’ chemical composition changes when microwaved. Eating them can cause stomachache and bloating.

This pertains entirely to fresh mushrooms, however, and does not apply to processed ones that have been dried, canned or frozen.

5. The nitrates found in spinach becomes unhealthy when microwaved, just as with celery.

6. Potatoes lose their nutrients when reheated and they can contain the bacteria that causes botulism, which is not easily killed in the microwave.

7. Beets contain huge amounts of nitrates, so as with celery and spinach, it’s best to keep them out of the microwave.

8. Rice can contain botulism-causing bacteria which often survives a microwave heating.

After being cooked the first time, rice needs to be properly cooled and stored to try to prevent this bacteria in the first place.

(via ViralNova)

Take the proper precautions in order to avoid food born illness. Some of these illnesses, such as botulism, can be fatal.
