14 Annoying Habits Women Have That Drive Men Away – You’re Probably Guilty of #7

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9. Discussing him and your problems with him behind his back

Stop complaining to your friends about him or things that he does. Talk to him about them. If he keeps doing the things that bother you, and you feel that strongly about them, you’re probably not right for each other. Otherwise, let it go. This especially applies to a situation where you’ve had an argument with him. If he finds out you’re discussing him, his shortcomings, and/or your relationship problems with your friends instead of with him, it’s only going to cause the rift between you to become much bigger. If you’re having difficulty communicating, and the problems are serious, the two of you should promptly seek professional help from a couples counselor.

10. You don’t want him hanging out with his female friends because you get easily jealous

This one is pretty simple really and goes back to #1 on this list. If your insecurities are causing you to try to control him then it’s a problem. You should address those insecurities rather than trying to tell him what to do because for one, neither person in a relationship should try to control the other, and two, for most guys, if you try to tell him what to do, you’re going to run him off.

11. You don’t give him the benefit of the doubt

Ever heard the old real estate adage “location, location, location” about the most important thing in the business? Well you can translate that to the most important thing in relationships as “trust, trust, trust”.

12. You can’t take a compliment even if it’s an honest one

Unless he’s a total sociopath, he’s not going to compliment you on something unless he really means it. When you reject that compliment or are dismissive of it, it can confuse and frustrate guys. Learn to gratuitously accept a compliment. If he does it a lot, and it becomes too much then tell him (see #8).

13. You always want everything strategically planned, and if things veer from that plan then you let it ruin everything

Some of our most distinct and vivid memories in life come from things that didn’t go according to plan. Think about it. How many truly captivating stories can you tell that end with “and everything went exactly as planned”? It’s probably not nearly as many as the interesting stories you can tell that end with “NOTHING went as planned!” Learn to relax and go with the flow, and you’ll have a much better appreciation for when things diverge from your plans.

14. You can’t let go of past mistakes that he committed

If he made a mistake that he apologized for, and you accepted that apology, you should be moving forward. Don’t bring up his past transgressions when you argue. It’s unfair, and it’s unhealthy to hold onto things like that. Once it’s in the past, leave it there, and do your best to forget about it. It’ll go a long way toward maintaining a healthy relationship.

(via LifeBuzz)

Many women are guilty of these bad habits, and sadly, they’re not aware of the negative effects they have in their relationship. If you want your relationship to be stronger and last longer, avoid committing these mistakes.

We realize many of these mistakes are committed by men who are dating or in relationships as well. Aside from those mentioned here and aside from really obvious things like infidelity, can you think of common mistakes that men make which are detrimental to dating and relationships? Let us know in the comments or by emailing [email protected]!
