5th Grader Writes Hilarious List Of Boundaries To Boy With Crush On Her And Becomes A Hero

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Can you still remember the first time you had a crush on someone? You probably did a lot of silly things just to get noticed by him or her, especially if you were a boy. Do you remember how that worked out for you? We’re guessing it probably had a pretty low success rate.

It seems the boy in this story was doing a lot of silly things to get noticed by his crush, and it didn’t work out at all. In fact, it completely backfired. Noah had a crush on fellow 5th-grader Zoe, who had the most hilarious response to Noah. Now Zoe has adults all over the internet calling her a hero.

A 5th grade teacher found this note in her classroom and shared it with a friend. The friend then posted it on Twitter.

It was written by a 5th grade girl named Zoe to a classmate named Noah who has a crush on her.

Here’s a better look at the content.

It didn’t take long for the post on Twitter to go viral.

Twitter users loved the list.

Some are even calling Zoe a hero.

(via 22Words)

She may be young, but Zoe sure knows how to draw the line. Sadly for Noah, he may as well look for another girl to crush on. It’s pretty obvious this girl has her priorities set, and having a boyfriend isn’t one of them!
