What This Dying Dog Did For His Owner Shows Just How Much Our Pets Love Us

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Kelly O’Connell was working at an animal 15 years ago when someone brought in a black lab puppy that had been left in a shopping cart outside a grocery store. O’Connell and the pup had an instant bond, and she quickly decided that she would take the dog home with her. She name him Charlie.

A decade and a half later, Charlie was diagnosed earlier this year with a brain tumor, and wouldn’t have long to live. He was weak and began having frequent seizures. Kelly was set to marry her fiancé and hoped that Charlie would live long enough to make it to the wedding. Despite having 5 seizures the week before, he had none the week of the wedding, and was “like a whole new dog”, according to O’Connell. Charlie made it to the wedding and was able to walk down the aisle. When he couldn’t make it back, O’Connell’s picked him up, carrying him back up the aisle and creating a moment in which there was hardly a dry eye at the event. Just over a week later, O’Connell had to put Charlie to sleep, but he was surrounded by family and went in peace.

O’Connell took Charlie in 15 years ago when he was just a puppy.

On her wedding day, she really wanted Charlie to be there.

Charlie was dying however, because he had brain tumor.

He suffered from an increasing number of seizures in the weeks before the wedding.

The week of the wedding, however, he didn’t have seizures.

On the day of O’Connell’s wedding, Charlie walked down the aisle.

He couldn’t make it back though, so O’Connell’s sister carried him back.

Charlie was clearly very happy to be there and be part of O’Connell’s big day, and O’Connell was glad Charlie was able to hold on just long enough to make it to the wedding.

Charlie was put down on September 9 amidst the presence of his loving family.



(via BoredPanda)

O’Connell says “It was a phenomenal 15 years. That’s for sure.”
