After Her Husband Died This Woman Wanted To Be Herself And The Result is Phenomenal

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Even in this day and age of independence, there are, unfortunately, still people who are unable to be themselves. In many cases, they’re in relationships where their partner prevents them from expressing their own sense of individuality or even their opinion.

Charlotte Guttenberg was one of those people for a long time. She was married to a man who controlled her in whatever ways he could. But after he died, Charlotte underwent a transformation that completely shocked everyone.

Charlotte Guttenberg was married for years to an oppressive husband who made her follow his rules.

Her husband died in 2001.

A few years later when she turned 58 years old in 2006, she decided to do something she’d wanted to do for years.

She got a butterfly tattoo – a butterfly on her chest.

But she didn’t stop there despite her mom’s objection.

She spent – in her estimation – 1,000 hours over the next 10 years having tattoos done on her body.

Charlotte is now 67 years old with 91% of her body covered in tattoos.

She is now world’s most tattooed female senior citizen, per Guinness World Records.

Charlotte said that each tattoo has a meaning and that she’s a “walking art gallery”.

Aside from that, she also met Charles “Chuck” Helmke, a fellow tattoo enthusiast.

They met at a tattoo parlor. 93% of his body is covered in tattoos.

He is the record holder for the most tattooed male senior citizen in the world.

Chuck said they’re never too old to try new things.

Charlotte said she feels honored to be a world record holder. She hopes to help tattooed and non-tattooed communities to become less divided from each other.
