Only One Girl Showed Up On Her Birthday But Her Big Sister Was Determined To Make Things Right

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Can you still remember how you celebrated your sixth birthday? Or at least any of your first several birthdays? Well, six-year-old Kinley was very excited to celebrate her sixth birthday. Her mother and grandmother rented out the snack bar at the bowling alley and decorated the whole place. They also set up food and had gifts for the girls who’d be attending the party.

On the day of her birthday, only one girl showed up. Kinley’s big sister, Kelsey, felt sad for her. She posted the incident on her Twitter account and the internet responded in the sweetest way.

Kinley celebrated her sixth birthday yesterday.

Only one girl attended the birthday.

Her big sister, Kelsey, shared what happened on Twitter.

People sympathized with her.

Kinley was wondering why only one person showed up on her birthday.

One person even suggested Ellen DeGeneres throw her a party.

Kelsey was more than happy to receive such positive responses from people across the internet.

(via 22Words)

Thousands of people expressed birthday wishes to her. Six-year-old Kinley didn’t understand why so many people were wishing her happy birthday.
