An Animal Shelter Is Shocked After Receiving $8000 Cash From A Mystery Donor

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The Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA received an early Christmas present recently when a mystery donor dropped $8000 into their donation box. No one at the animal shelter knows who the donor was, and the money was dropped off in the form of cash – a wad of $20 bills to be precise.

The animal shelter provides for 12,000 animals a year, and this donation will have a significant impact for the shelter’s ability to do that, as they’ve said the donation will be used to cover animal care expenses. The staff was “overjoyed” and “incredibly grateful” to the mystery donor. They’re trying to find out who the donor was, so they can thank the person.


The Pasadena Humane Society & SPC recently had a very generous mystery donor.

This anonymous person put $8,000 in the donation box.

Nobody noticed who the mysterious donor was.

The money help the shelter provide for the 12,000 animals a year that come through there.

Everybody at the shelter extends their gratitude to the kind mystery donor though they would like to find out who it was, so they can thank the person properly.

(via BoredPanda)

Whoever the mystery donor is, one thing’s for sure. It’s certainly a kind and generous person with a big heart.
