Unfortunately, we live in a world where it’s still all too common for women and even girls to be sexually harassed. Many men still seem to think it’s okay to make uninvited advances toward women both in person and online.
Here’s a case where a teenager from Houston, Texas was about to take a shower when the guy she was texting declared that he wanted to see. Her clever response has made a lot of people laugh already, and hopefully you’ll get a laugh out of it too.
This is 16-year-old Reese Hebert.
Reese Hebert
A guy was texting her just as she was about to take a shower.
Reese Hebert
When the guy said he wanted to see, she sent him this.
Reese Hebert
She bought the umbrella hat on Amazon because she thought it was funny. She thought that, realistically, she would never use it.
She posted it on social media, and people quickly began reacting positively to it.
Others soon followed her lead.
They wore umbrella hats and posted their pics online.
(via BuzzFeed)
Perhaps if more people start responding this way to such comments then would-be harassers will think twice before making unwelcome requests.