The dodo bird has been extinct for about 350 years now. An adult dodo was approximately 3 feet (1 meter) tall, and they are believed to have weighed from 23-47 lb (10-21 kg). Thanks in part to being aggressively hunted, they became extinct only about 65 years after being first discovered.
Barring a miracle of science, humankind will never again get to meet one face to face ever, but thankfully, there’s the Nicobar Pigeon. It’s known as the closest living relative to the dodo. Here’s more about it:
The Nicobar Pigeon may be related to the dodo but they look nothing alike.
The dodo was a pretty plain looking bird, but the Nicobar Pigeon is brightly colored with greens, blues, and shades of gold.
It also has some red in its legs and white tail.
The colors in its wing feathers are particularly vivid.
They live in the Nicobar Islands.
John Williams
They can also be found on smaller, neighboring islands where there aren’t many predators to hunt them.
Today, their species is considered “near threatened”.
(via BoredPanda)
Sadly, the beautiful Nicobar Pigeon is already a threatened species. If something isn’t done to protect it, it will meet the same fate as its extinct relative.